Monday, April 22, 2024

Morning Dog Walker

 Oil on Board  5x7

My dog insists on his morning walk no matter the weather, or if I am not feeling well. He doesn't care! I have to admit once he drags me out there I really enjoy it and appreciate the still quiet of the mornings. This particular cityscape is a scene I would see on my drive to work in the mornings. Fortunately we have green spaces near by, and historic homes and gardens on our route.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Tower Raven

 Oil on Cradled Board   8x8

I was influenced to paint this while reading the book, "RavenMaster" by Chris Skaiffe. I thought it was going to be mostly about the ravens at the London Tower, but unfortunately it was mostly about his life and very little about the ravens. I'm not quite finished with it but find myself skipping large sections of it. It's not that it's a bad book, but just not my interest. I wanted to know about the ravens. None the less it prompted me to think of them again and paint this character.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Budgie Gossips

 Oil on Cradled Board   8x8   SOLD

These two look like they are up to no good. Are they sharing the latest details about their hooman care givers? Are they plotting to fly to the top of the curtain rod so they can shout orders to the family dog? Only they know, but you can bet they will make you laugh with their bold antics.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Indoor Coconut Tree

Oil on Cradled Board   6x6

This was a coconut palm we grew indoors. I worked as an interior landscaper for many years in this amazing garden. The office space was like nothing you could imagine. Eventually the tree got so big it had to be cut down. It was a sad day for me.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

My Budgie Can Count

 Oil on Cradled Board  6x6   SOLD

My bird can count, can you fly? An old joke, but so true that we can not underestimate the talents of such small creatures. Budgies are not "disposable pets" as I once heard them called! They are amazing, intelligent beings worthy of great care and respect. I once had the privilege of caring for a prolific talker named ironically "Whistler." 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Howling

 Oil on Canvas    8x10

The eerie sound of wolves howling in the distance evokes ancient feelings long forgotten in the city dweller. Perhaps it is why we are drawn to such images. A relic of our past lives, when living closer to nature meant relying on these sounds to understand our surroundings. The call of the wolf is a primitive musical passage lost in the clack and din of the modern world.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Wolf on a Rock

 Oil on Cradled Board  6x6

This wolf reminds me of my dog. He likes to stand on top of the chair back and look out the window surveying his domain for danger. This alpha wolf is doing the same thing from his rock perch. Where as my dog wants to protect his pack from the mailman, this wolf is looking for intruders to his territory that might cause harm to his family

Monday, April 15, 2024

Two Finches Bookends

 Oil on Board  5x7     SOLD

These two have different ideas about where to build the nest. There is still time to decide, and if you are lucky they will end up somewhere in your backyard where you can enjoy their twittering songs.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Snow Starlings

Oil on Gessoboard   6x6    SOLD

Two Starlings braced for a winter snow storm.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Sparrow on a Rusty Fence

 Oil on Cradled Board   8x8

Sometimes just looking out the window at the right time of day provides inspiration for a painting. I love to photograph birds, and morning light is a good time to capture interesting colors. This sparrow while not the most exotic avian species still makes a good subject, especially for the urban nature lover. These cute little birds can be fun to watch, and the warm light in this painting adds to the drama of a typical day, making it a morning to appreciate nature in all it's forms.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Fledgling Sparrow

 Oil on Cradled Board  5x7    SOLD

This baby sparrow caught my eye as he perched on the telephone line as the sun was setting. Many people believe they have found orphan birds because when just out of the nest, they may appear tame and unable to fly. They are just learning, and the parents are always near keeping an eye on things. It's best to watch a baby bird before assuming it needs your rescue.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Take My Picture

 Oil on Cradled Board  6x6

This cheeky budgie demands to be the center of attention. So much personality in a little bird, even if they don't talk budgies make wonderful, lively companions. Some are more easily tamed than others as their temperament varies within individuals. My intention with this painting was to accent the complimentary colors of yellow and violet, as well tell the story of this bossy little bird.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Fall Blue Jay

 Oil on Cradled Board 8x10    SOLD

Bright blue brilliant flash of intelligence, so clever is the Blue Jay. They are known to clear a backyard bird feeder by mimicking the call of a hawk. Not mean, smart, and just trying to survive like the rest of us. I wish I had them as a regular visitor, but they seem to have many options in my neighborhood.