Acrylic on Board 5 x 7 SOLD
A Blue Jay poses on my garden decoration against a powder blue sky.
Walking my dog in the early morning I hear the music of the tree tops. The tap tap tap of the woodpeckers providing the rhythm track for the cardinals and robins singing their signature songs.
My Blue Jays are starting to cache their extra peanuts in my garden. I'm happy they have made me a regular stop on their route because that means they will keep coming back. Although they don't stop by at the same time or even every day, my dog has learned their calls have meaning to me, and when he hears them, he barks to let me know so I can run outside with their peanuts.
A fledgling sparrow just out of the nest perches on a wire in the golden light of the sundown.
This crow looks pretty proud of himself, I don't know what he's done but I bet it was clever.
“The human race’s prospects of survival were considerably better when we were defenseless against tigers than they are today when we have become defenseless against ourselves.” — Arnold J. Toynbee
Peek a boo bird kept ducking behind this tree trunk. I was lucky to be able to grab a quick reference photo before it flew off.
An iconic image of a wolf howling. A recent study posits that certain of our domestic dog breeds howl because they are genetically closer to a wolf. And suggests they have retained the ability to interpret the howls meanings.
Ravens are sometimes called wolf birds for their close association and cooperation with wolves.
Bonded wolves are loyal and look out for each other similar to how our domestic dogs protect us.
Is it safe to come out? A sparrow hides in the trumpet vine waiting for the neighborhood hawk to leave the area.
The wolf stands among the sage plants, their silvery-green leaves creating a contrast against the wolf's coat.